The December 2023 SAT® Should NOT Be Your Child's First Exam!


As the SAT® transitions from a paper-and-pencil format to a digital platform, students face an important decision: Should they take the exam in its current paper form, or wait for the digital version? If your child is planning to take their first SAT® in December 2023, you might want to reconsider. Here's why.

The Shift to Digital

Starting in March 2024, the SAT® will be administered in a digital format. While the change is expected to make the test-taking process more streamlined, it's essential to understand how it impacts the strategies and skills needed, especially for the English section.

The Differences in English

Question Types

In the digital SAT®, the question types for the English section undergo notable changes. While the paper-based test might focus more on certain aspects like using textual evidence to support an answer choice, the digital version emphasizes different skills, such as vocabulary and the ability to synthesize notes.

Passage Length

Another change is the length and complexity of passages. The digital format tends to feature shorter, more varied texts that can affect how a student allocates time and applies reading strategies.

Math Remains Largely Unchanged

Thankfully, the transition to a digital format doesn't impact the Math section as much. The concepts tested remain relatively consistent between the two versions. However, being comfortable with a digital interface (and the new integrated Desmos calculator) can be a factor.

The Risk of December 2023

Taking the SAT® for the first time in December 2023 poses a unique challenge. If your child doesn't perform as expected, shifting gears to a completely different exam format for March 2024 and beyond could be stressful and counterproductive.

The Recommended Approach

Option 1: Take the Paper-based Test Earlier

If your child has been preparing for the traditional SAT®, consider taking it in October or November 2023. This provides an opportunity for a retake in December, without the risk of adjusting to a new format immediately.

Option 2: Wait for the Digital Format

If the digital format sounds more appealing or convenient, it's advisable to wait until March 2024 to start testing. This ensures that your child's preparation aligns with the version of the test they will actually take.


The transition to a digital SAT® is a pivotal moment in standardized testing history. It's crucial for students and parents to make informed decisions about when to take the test for the first time. By considering the significant changes, especially in the English section, you can set your child up for success, without the stress of a last-minute switch in test formats.


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